Just Begin!

Just Begin!

Facing Perfectionism Head-On

Just begin…

I tell myself for the 100th time as I catch myself searching for the right way to start, the perfect introduction, the best strategy, or the order, to begin showing up to share something new.

The Perfectionist part of me…

I’ve seen that part of me before, that perfectionist part that wants to get it right. That part that needs to understand the beginning to the end, and how it’s all going to look; it’s the part of me that wants to do the best thing, and wants it to be perfect.

She’s a big part of me but not the whole of me.

She’s not the main part of me.

 The main part of me is the part that doesn’t want to hurt anybody, that doesn’t want to have negative comments come back at me or to be judged.

The part of me that wonders whether what I have to say truly matters, does my voice deserve to be heard. That’s a bigger part of me.

Perfectionism and fear!

And so these two parts are almost always in conflict, I can feel the tug and the tension between them…

 The problem is, they stop me from doing anything.

They leave me sitting in procrastination…

Like my tyres are spinning in the mud and I can’t gain traction.

Stuck dreams…

How many times have you had a project, or a dream, or a vision, and stayed stuck on where to begin?

Just do it… echoes loudly in my heart.

Just start, who cares whether it’s at the beginning, or the middle, or the end, or anywhere in between?

Just start…

I need to tattoo that on my arm.

Just start…

And so here I am, making an imperfectly perfect start…

Hello my beautiful friends, here I am, it’s good to be back, how have you been?